- When we cover a grammar point or a vocabulary topic in class, I will put up a new activity on the blog for you to do at home. New activities will appear at the top of the home page.
- The activity will be about a topic or section from a course book; e.g. English Unlimited (EU), New English File (NEF) or New Headway (NHW).
- To look for a specific activity click the SEARCH button on the menu and type in a key word in the Search box; e.g. by number ("012"), by topic ("present simple") or by skill ("listening") or by activity ("crossword").
- Click on the activity in the list that appears.
- To start the activity type in your name and click OK.
- When you are finished, click the CHECK button to see your score.
- If there are mistakes in your answers, click OK to correct them, and CHECK again.
- When all your answers are correct, the activity is finished, and I will receive an email with your score.
- Use the Menu Bar to go to other features.
- Click on INFOGRAPHICS to learn more about different grammar topics.
- Click on TASKS to follow some tasks you can do in class and at home.
- If you want to receive an email notice every time I put up a new activity, type your email address in the Email address box on the right of the page.
- Use the links in the lists on the right. These will take you to many other useful sites that can help you improve your English.
- If you are not a member of my class you are still welcome to try the activities.
- Enjoy!